Nearly 35,000 of them are downloaded EVERY DAY!
These download figures have remained constant for the last 3 years!
Targeted Internet Marketing...
People like them, use them and pass them on...
Now... if you could just get your web site name on even a small percentage of such a traffic builder wouldn't that spell out...
Web Site Promotion Marketing O P P O R T U N I T Y !
And... what if this traffic builder then had the ability to turn itself "viral" for you (in that the process duplicated itself) how could that benefit your business?
Targeted Internet Marketing O P P O R T U N I T Y !
Well... all this is now possible with this new viral, duplicating screensaver.
Imagine a screensaver marketing your business 24/7/365... while you sleep!
Oh, the automated wonder of the net... get your viral
