About Us - Contact

Relevant History

My name is Kenneth Doyle. I'm the Webmaster at FYHM.

I'm an Australian who has some 25 years experience in Media/ Marketing/ PR/ Copywriting... and a degree in the stuff to boot.

I've worked Nationally and Internationally. I got to know some things.

The Internet? Well, some years ago I was the National Dealer Newsletter Editor for Osborne (Computer Corporation) Australia. That was in the days when CPM was the standard operating system.

Osborne no longer produces computers, and CPM is now a defunct operating system. However, I've got a bit of techno knowledge under my belt here.

I've worked seriously on the net for the last 5 years... mostly writing web site copy, assisting with dotcom start-ups, and ghostwriting ebooks for well known Internet marketers.

However, as a trained and experienced marketer I finally got just a little tired of all the misinformation around about marketing on the Internet.

So, I decided to expose these myths by giving people solid, reliable information on how to use this wonderful communication tool - the Internet - to promote themselves and their businesses.

design site web

And What About...
Internet Marketing?

Marketing is a skill! It's a discipline, and knowledge which can be learned (and applied to anything) including the Internet.

It's not some big secret!
... as some would have you believe...

It's simply learned and applied knowledge with a good serving of creativity added to it. [end of rant]

FYHM is my response to this NONsense about marketing on the net.

Thank you for your interest in FYHMdotcom.

Live Well, Expect Success!

Kenneth Doyle - The eAnalyst

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Contact Details:

Kenneth Doyle
P.O. Box 642
Brooklyn Park. 5032
South Australia
Phone: Int + 618 416 351 604
Email: webmaster@feedyourhungrymind.com

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