Software: What is it anyway?
Software DOES things.
It's the steering wheel of the vehicle... and, just like your car all the compnents have to work in harmony for it to move.
REMEMBER THIS... Every time you upgrade your computer (doing things) software it will probably create greater demands on your hardware.
SOFTWARE and HARDWARE work hand in glove.
Some Good Questions To Ask Yourself.
What's the main purpose of this computer software?
- Work Or Business?
- Home use?
- Games and/ or Entertainment?
It all comes back to the previous statement about the CRUCIAL question.
"What do you want to do with this computer thingy?"
ANSWER this question first and the rest become (relatively) easy.
USED for ... Work Or Business?
If this software's primary use is for business purposes.
- Who's going to be using this computer & software, and for what?
- What sort of programs do I need to use to do the sort of work I'm doing?
- Do these programs have a reputation in the marketplace?
- Is there anyone else I can talk to who knows about the bugs these programs may have (they all have them)?
- Are there any known system conflicts between the mix of computers I wish to put on my machine?
- Does the company that makes this software have a GOOD reputation for excellent customer service and support?
- Does the software have good training systems (books, online tutorials etc) for their software?
- How much RAM does the program need to run comfortably on my computer? Do I have enough RAM and disc space to load and run it?
- Are these programs I'm contemplating buying compatible with the programs of the people I do business with on a daily basis.
- Are MAC or PC systems best suited for my purpose? This decision will obviously have a profound affect on your HARDWARE choices.
USED for... Home Use?
If this software's primary use is for home use... THE SAME QUESTIONS.
- Who's going to be using this computer & software, and for what?
- What sort of programs do I need to use for its purpose?
- Do these programs have a reputation in the marketplace?
- Is there anyone else I can talk to who knows about the bugs these programs may have (they all have them)?
- Are there any known system conflicts between the mix of computers I wish to put on my machine?
- Does the company that makes this software have a GOOD reputation for excellent customer service and support?
- Does the software have good training systems (books, online tutorials etc) for their software?
- How much RAM does the program need to run comfortably on my computer? Do I have enough RAM and disc space to load and run it?
- Are MAC or PC systems best suited for my purpose? This decision will obviously have a profound affect on your HARDWARE choices.
USED for ... Games and/ or Entertainment?
If this software's primary use is for Games and/ or entertainment... THE SAME QUESTIONS, with an important addition.
- Who's going to be using this computer & software, and for what?
- What sort of programs do I need to use for its purpose?
- Do these programs have a reputation in the marketplace?
- Is there anyone else I can talk to who knows about the bugs these programs may have (they all have them)?
- Are there any known system conflicts between the mix of computers I wish to put on my machine?
- Does the company that makes this software have a GOOD reputation for excellent customer service and support?
- Does the software have good training systems (books, online tutorials etc) for their software?
- How much RAM does the program need to run comfortably on my computer? Do I have enough RAM and disc space to load and run it?
- Are MAC or PC systems best suited for my purpose? This decision will obviously have a profound affect on your HARDWARE choices.
NOTE: Games and Entertainment orientated systems are RAM greedy. Always, always get maximum RAM installed with your hardware.
Research It Yourself...
By using the most elegant search tool available on the net,
OR... by going to
The Encylopedia Of Technology Terminology
OR... Ask An Expert
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The e*Analyst
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-------->> T E S T I M O N
I A L <<--------
I've just received another issue of your ezine and wanted to
say that I really like the way you focus
on a particular subject, and then feature a resource as an
easy way to accomplish a particular technique that you've
previously mentioned (I hope that makes sense?)
... and all without lots of hype in the way.
for the refreshing change and valuable info :)
Steve Shaw -