Special Deal - This Issue
In every issue we attempt to track down a *special deal* for our subscribers.
This may be a discount off the cost of a product or service... or it may be a quality, free ebook to download.
>This issue's special deal has been negotiated with
Steve Shaw from Popupmaster.> Popupmaster is a remarkably simple, yet sophisticated popup generator program.
It only takes 10 minutes to create and install pop-ups on
your site, and you can create as many as you want !!
THE SPECIAL DEAL: ... 20% discount!
This is what you do.
Go to the web site... Popupmaster
Scroll down to the (left hand) bottom of the page, and where
it says "Reference (if applicable)"... key in FYHM.
Click on "Go" and you will be taken to the discount order
