Find A Product
Find a product or service to sell online.
This is the BIG problem on the net.
What? You say "There's trillions of them."
Yep, that's the problem... complete overload.
There are just so many you don't know where to start... and this is where the fairground element comes in.
"Buy here, buy this one.. this one will make you a
millionaire in 1 week, 2 months or 1 year etc."
Sound familiar?
Well, I'm not going to enter that carnival. Why? Well, I believe that if I give you good, sound concepts that you're smart enough to work out what's right for your own site by yourself.
However... what I will do is introduce you to a series of quality resources to help you choose the products and/ or services which may be right for you and your site.
All of these products/ resources are well established, stable sites. If you're selling on the web the very last thing you need is to put in massive amounts of effort promoting something to then find out that it has gone out of business. Now that hurts.
F.. O.. C.. U.. S.. S..
F = FREE. There's no such thing.
O = Other peoples work
C = Consider your market carefully
U = Useful, User friendly
S = Search, Smart
S = Solve someone's problems
[Definitation: No exchange of effort or money to acquire.]
When was the last time (in the real world) that you got
something valuable for free? I'll guarantee you cannot
think of one time. You see, in life, there has to be an
exchange of something.
Free is always over-rated, and ultimately it can become a very expensive waste of your time.
Why do people use Free on the net? Well, for the same reasons they use it in the offline world... to sell you something else later on, or to promote their own business.
If you closely examine the offer there will always be some exchange in it. Usually it's an email address... "yours."
It works like this.. I'll give you this Free thing if you give me an email address... or tell your friends about this Free thing I've given you... or allow me to use this Free thing to promote myself to others you know.
Online Free comes in the form of sites, programs, systems, software, vouchers, and ebooks.
Recommendation: Use these Free offers...
- To Add value to your micro-niche site
- To promote yourself (create your own)
- As a market research tool
- To evaluate the worth of a program before you buy it
[Definitation: Someone else has spent time and/ or money creating it]
This is where you'll find the products and/ or services to sell that make you money. They're called affiliate, reseller or partner programs.
Effectively what happens is that you become an agent of these sites, products or services. You get paid a percentage of each sale.
Of course one of the quickest ways to find affiliate systems that match your site's theme or content is to use your trusty Copernic Summarizer program.
If you haven't got this absolutely wonderful search program in your web tool kit then you can click here to buy Copernic Summarizer.
However, if you really want to understand affiliate programs, and how you make money with them - before you shoot-fire-aim - then these are two must have resources for the aspiring Affiliate Master ...
Declan Dunn's *Winning At The Affiliate Game*
Click here and send a blank e-mail to receive The Affiliate Masters course... It's an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on becoming a high-earning affiliate champion.
Recommendation: Use related, in-context Affiliate Programs to maximise your web site income.
[Definitation: Work your micro-niche. Don't attempt to be all things to all people]
Two billion web sites (and counting) is a BIG market. It's so BIG you can't work all of it. Think small. Think very small. Very small is good. Very small is profitable. .00001% of a LOT is much better than 20% of a LITTLE.
When you're very clear about your market micro-niche, then go find those affiliate programs which are complimentary to your web site's theme or content.
There are a numerous places where you can find information about Affiliate Programs on the web. You can use your trusty Copernic program to find them.
However, why re-invent the wheel when various affiliate program experts will tell you their proven
Top Earning Affiliate Programs.
AND... there's one affiliate program that just stands head and shoulders above all the rest for its value, quality of products, affiliate resources, support and information ...
These products are an excellent fit with any netBIZ related site.
Enter your e-mail address into the box and click on the "Subscribe" button.
Recommendation: Think
micro-niche. Think
[Definitation: Whatever you're doing MUST solve a problem for people]
The net is about the delivery of I N F O R M A T I O N... or the tracking of information delivered.
What is information? A solution to a specific problem. Make sure it's the BEST user friendly solution available.
"What's the point of being second best in anything?"
is an excellent example of a powerful suite of useful, user friendly web tools which will be valued by any Webmaster serious about working on the web.
In this suite of products you'll find ...
- FFA Submission Server
- Follow-Up Autoresponder Server
- Newsletter Server
- Spider Submission Server
- Expert Advice of the Month
- Web Page Spy
- Life Line
- Advertising Tracker
- Order Form Creator
- Any Form Integrator
AND... one of my favorite ROIbot web tools is Affiliate Assistant. It is just such a valuable tool for working with affiliate programs.
As Allan Gardyne of Associate Programs has said about AA "It's the most important tool ever developed for affiliates." I agree.
[Definitation: Research is ALWAYS the quickest path to profit.]
If the net is your chosen occupation, then become a master of it. Research continuously to see what's happening in your chosen Micro-Niche market.
You can do this a number of ways. Here's two...
1. Use Copernic to research specific topics
2. Use an OPT-in list like
Ultimate Mailer
When you use the paid version of Ultimate Mailer as a research tool you'll get three tools for the price of one.
- Use it as a tool to test the effectiveness of your Ad copy.
- Use it as a tool to research what web systems people are promoting and interested in.
- Use it as a tool to promote your own product.
Also, subscribe to Allan Gardyne's Associate Programs newsletter.
It's the most highly regarded resource on web dealing with all things to do with affiliate programs...

Recommendation: Research continuously.
[Definitation: All SELLING is ultimately about problem solving]
To become a super salesperson, become a master problem solver for people.
EVERY successful site, affiliate program and/ or piece of software has one thing in common. They ALL solve problems exceptionally well.
Think about it. In the *real* world who do you do business with? I'll guarantee you do business with people who ...
- Value your custom
- Treat you with respect
- Do NOT treat you like some idiot because you don't understand something
- Surprise you with their excellent customer service
- Sell you high value products and/ or services at a good price that exceed your expectations
- Give you your money back and/or replace product for you if you are dissatisfied
Why, oh why do people think it's different in the digital world? This is so, so simple.
Recommendation: FOCUSS on solving peoples problems.
Want Products/ Services To Sell?
An ISP With A BIG Difference!
A 'Toolkit' For Clickbank with a special discount!
To wrap this up...
These above are some of the basic understandings related to this topic.
If you're interested in running a business on the web, then subscribe to The e*Analyst ezine, where this topic is discussed in greater detail.
The e*Analyst
If you haven't worked this out yet, you soon will. There's a LOT of NONsense zapping around in cyber space about doing business on the web.
Get the FACTS here, FIRST...
SUBSCRIBE to The e*Analyst ezine.
... and we'll give you a valuable Thank you gift just for subscribing to the ezine.
-------->> T E S T I M O N I A L <<--------
I've just received another issue of your ezine and wanted to say that I really like the way you focus
on a particular subject, and then feature a resource as an easy way to accomplish a particular technique that you've previously mentioned (I hope that makes sense?) ... and all without lots of hype in the way.
Thanks for the refreshing change and valuable info :)
Steve Shaw -